Affluent Blacks of Dallas

Can Brother Polight’s Business Survive the Scandal? Lessons on PR Damage Control and Brand Mgmt

You’re probably wondering, what on earth does market branding have to do with Brother Polight? Well, he’s selling something to certain people out there who have made him a millionaire, according to several sources. Despite the fact that, according to other sources, he has a criminal background in either drug sales or use, he has managed to influence many to believe in what he has to offer, and they were willing to pay for it.

Our Popular ‘Dallas Escape Series’ Section is Getting Its Own Website!

Hey there, beautiful people! It’s the first weekend of August 2020. We’ve been quite busy around here, keeping our various

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Have You Visited Our YouTube Channel Lately?

If not, what are yoooo waiting for?! We’re pumpin’ video after video on there to give you unique and lively views

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