Affluent Blacks of Dallas

Should Rihanna have Hired a Well-Qualified Sista CEO instead?

Now of course, there are gonna be some hardcore Rihanna fans who will blast this expert as a hater. But keep in mind that all the celebrities who have similar businesses are not the savvy business minds you think. Are they entrepreneurs with ideas? Yes, just like many of you are. But not all entrepreneurs are seasoned business experts. Otherwise, most of our street hustler entrepreneurs would be business experts lol.

Shouldn’t Juneteenth Be About More Than Slavery?

The most damaging outcome of the segregation laws was that the fake good cops in government started pushing for desegregation laws. Some of our ancestors knew this was a trap so they resisted desegregation as we were doing fine as a nation state within a racist nation. Why get too close to the enemy? But the naïve ones among our people gave in to the socialist strategy and fought for desegregation.

The result? Instead of being an independent thinking state within a state, forging our own political and economic destiny, we all loaded up the moving truck and went from the Republican party to the Democratic party. How has that turned out? We don’t even keep score. Our median incomes and net worth, which was already struggling in the 1930s through 1960s, stayed flat, not far from zero, till this day. That’s a dam shame.