So You Really Think Black Americans Got Reparations?

Brothas and sistas, it is quite baffling that there are a lot of people who still believe we got reparations after the Civil War. Some even think that the death of white soldiers in that war was our reparations. Oh boy… Man, the mind is a terrible thing to waste, especially when the IQ falls below 70. For those outside our community who actually believe this nonsense, recall that Abraham Lincoln himself said if he could save the union by keeping slavery intact, he would do it. Why do you think he said that? Those words alone tell you that the Civil War was not about slavery.

In fact, is it a mere coincidence that right after the end of the war in 1865, the Industrial Revolution started ramping up? I don’t believe in coincidences at this level. A new world industrial order came into existence, where the agricultural lifestyle that mankind enjoyed since time began, gradually got replaced by industry, science and technology. No longer did people have to do hard labor on farms for a living. Modern living brought with it relatively easier jobs in the factory and offices. The increase of nonfarm payrolls became the top goal of this new world. Machines were much more productive than humans, which is why voluntary and involuntary agrarian employment, which we know as slavery, became obsolete.

Don’t get it twisted: we still have wage slavery, which is why over 90% of the people will never make more than $100k a year. Someone is keeping incomes artificially suppressed by design. In fact, when I was in business school, they straight up taught us that the economy has to maintain a 5% unemployment rate to have equilibrium. Pay attention.

Anyway, therefore, if slavery was no longer needed, then why did Abraham Lincoln have that big Proclamation speech and decree? It was a political move aimed at bringing the South into the new world industrial order. That’s it. When in history did you see white governments sacrificing themselves for black people lol? Exactly! So stop it with that Civil War white soldier sacrifice nonsense. That’s lazy thinking.

The closest we got to reparations was the establishment of the Freedman’s Bureau by the Republican party. The idea was to create this sorta government agency and bank to financially subsidize newly freed slaves to help them get land and resources. Sounds promising, but it never paid up. Within 2 years, the wishy washy Republicans of the north essentially abandoned us and let the violently racist Democrats of the South run the bureau on our behalf. Well, we all know how openly racist the Democrats were back then. Not only did they start the KKK, they also created the entire Jim Crow infrastructure that not only undermined the Freedman’s Bureau and Bank, but also would go on to destroy our Black Wall Street cities and other thriving black communities around the country. Some of these cities they took over and converted into sundown towns. That’s why they called them that, because they set up racist thugs to keep our ancestors from trying to reclaim their property. There are families today who are still benefiting from these lands they stole from us. Pay attention.

As we just saw when the last remaining 100 year old Black Tulsa Wall Street survivors had their reparations case thrown out in court, due to so called lack of evidence, the systemic macro racist regime just wants to play games and run the clock out so that we get nothing. This is still Jim Crow with a smiley face. Ever since the end of slavery, our median net worth has been almost zero. This is actually statistically not possible to be just random chance or something we’re not doing right. In other words, you can’t have tens of millions of people being near 0 net worth if it were not by deliberate design by some invisible hand. The golden age of Black Wall Street saw a slight increase in our net worth, and we could have repaired our own net worth had it not been for deliberate intervention by the federal, state and local governments, which is why they are on the hook for reparations right now.

Even after saying all this, you’re gonna still have some knuckleheads who say we don’t deserve reparations. Whatever. Say what you will but the train has left the station, and it’s gaining steam. The same Democratic party who created the Klan and Jim Crow, then adopted a psychological strategy to smile in our faces, while still keeping us trapped, has been put on notice. They have all kinds of billions of dollars for foreigners and wars, but staunchly refuse to help us address the deliberate destruction of our net worth. So meet Black America 2.0, which will no longer be dominated by any party or socioeconomic group. No more Boule puppets to keep us “in our place” as it were. No more being a permanent underclass by design. Times up. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. The road to November 2024 continues. Please be sure to subscribe to this channel by clicking Subscribe and the bell. Until the next video, take care.

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