Ask John About Your Business

Click the image above to go directly to our Facebook page where you can ask any business question on your mind

Dallas (ABOD) – We added a new feature for the Affluent Blacks of Dallas Facebook group and the website called “Dallas Business Tips with John.” Ask any question about how to start and manage your business, how to get a website or social media page started, how to buy and set up the right kind of computers and software, how to deal with customers and employees, government regulations and taxes, and any conceivable question you can imagine! I will try to respond as soon as I can, usually within 24-48 hours unless your question requires more thought.

When you ask a question, be sure to include your first name and initial of your last name (or full last name if you want), your business name if you have one, your city and a link to your business website or social media page if you have one. Hey, that’s free publicity for your company! And from time to time, if I will pick a business from among those who ask questions to be featured on the full website, so that’s even more of a reason to ask a question! And if you see a question from a fellow business owner that you feel you may have valuable information for, then you can also reply, and thus give your business even more free exposure. Business helping business is the spirit of

Although the focus is on Dallas area businesses, I welcome questions from other cities as well. And I might feature those businesses on, so the same free publicity opportunity exists there, too!